VMRO-DPMNE: Macedonia with Kovachevski’s government is experiencing skyrocketing price growth, and stagnation of the economy at the same time


The government led by DUI and SDSM, administered by Kovachevski, is doing huge damage to the standard of the citizens. The government, except for personal enrichment, does not lift a finger to help the people. In two and a half years, fuel prices have gone up by 70 percent, electricity has increased by 30 percent, for a year that has risen in price by 40%, flour by 38%, milk by over 20%. Inflation in January alone is 6.7%, which shows that wages are losing the race with rising prices and the people are impoverishing us, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Sunday.

“Over 500 thousand citizens live on only 150 denars a day, and according to estimates by international institutions, over 35% of the population is at risk of poverty. The standard of living of citizens is skyrocketing, as prices skyrocket. Macedonia is experiencing stagflation, a combination of high inflation, high prices and stagnation of the economy. The result of the wrong policies of the government of SDSM and DUI is the triple number of young people who have emigrated from Macedonia in the last few years during this government, compared to before,” said the opposition party.

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