Drastic jump in food prices in just 10 days


During the check of the new prices by the service Cenometar.mk, a drastic jump in the prices of many food products was noticed, within only 10 days from the last check.

The increase is generally in all products, says Cenometar.mk, but it is most prominent in the following categories:

  1. Banana – more expensive by 8-10 denars!
  2. Lemon – more expensive by 5-7 denars!
  3. Apples – more expensive for 8 denars!
  4. Tomato – more expensive by 14 denars!
  5. Cabbage – more expensive by 4 denars!
  6. Potatoes – more expensive for 6 denars!
  7. Flour – more expensive by 4 denars!
  8. Beans – more expensive by 17 denars!
  9. Butter – more expensive by 5 denars!
  10. Idamer yellow cheese – more expensive for 67 denars!
  11. Gouda yellow cheese – more expensive by 29 denars!
  12. Pork – more expensive by 20-40 denars!

The website, which specializes in comparing and tracking prices in different markets, shops and markets, says that although the price increases are different in different markets, the general trend is evident.

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