Health Minister Filipce: No new confirmed coronavirus cases, about ten people currently tested


There are no new confirmed coronavirus cases in North Macedonia. Four
coronavirus patients with mild symptoms are expected to arrive from Debar at the
Clinic for Infectious Diseases, including a 15-year-old boy, Health Minister Venko
Filipce said at a press conference Saturday.
Eight other patients, one from Skopje and seven from Debar, are currently being
treated at the Skopje-based Clinic for Infectious Diseases. The condition of one
patient has deteriorated and she is now provided with respiratory assistance and
intensified therapy. Six people from Debar and one foreign national are currently
being tested for the coronavirus. Two more people who have recently returned from
Spain with slight fever will also be tested.
"The hospital in debar is well organized, epidemiologists and infectologists are
available to all patients in this region. The Director of the hospital in Debar is the
responsible person. A special section of the hospital is for the examination of all
patients in this region who have symptoms. All other doctors are fully prepared. The

supply of pharmacies in Debar from the wholesalers is in accordance with the new
procedures and rules for entry and exit from the city," Filipce said.

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