Over EUR 2.5 million in the midst of a pandemic and economic crisis spent on luxury vehicles, says Arsovski


The Government led by the SDSM-DUI coalition is the least responsible government that has ever ruled the Republic of Macedonia. During the most critical years for the Republic of Macedonia and for the citizens after the COVID crisis, the economic crisis that followed as a result of the COVID crisis, but also the bad ongoing work of the Government in relation to the economy that created the bad economy in the country, this Government spent millions and millions of euros, citizens’ money for their own luxury and luxury, said the Vice President and spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Dimche Arsovski at Thursday’s press conference.

Arsovski pointed out that in 2020 and 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis, the Government spent over 2.5 million euros on cars.

“Most of them are luxurious vehicles, i.e. half of those cars were priced over 30,000 euros, something that no average citizen could afford in two lifetimes. In the meantime, the economy was sinking all that time, the companies were closing because there was no help and support from the state, people were being fired, there were no jobs and there was literally no help from the state. Citizens were sinking into poverty, receiving no assistance, and everything that could be considered as assistance was delayed so that they could survive and overcome the crisis. The citizens were sinking into poverty again, they were fired, they did not receive any help and everything that could be considered as some help was late and is still late,” said Arsovski.


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