No new coronavirus cases, first confirmed case discharged


No new cases with the novel coronavirus have been reported. The first confirmed
case, a woman, has been discharged in good health condition. The condition of all
18 patients currently treated remains the same. Health Minister Venko Filipche said
Speaking at news conference, he said that seven people are being tested. Those
include three people from Debar showing flu-like symptoms, two patients from Shtip
and two people at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases, who have recently returned from
Austria and Germany, according to Filipche.
In the region, the Minister said, the number of those being tested is on the rise in
order the situation to be thoroughly scanned.

“The number of those tested is rising. We expect as many as 80 people to arrive by
the end of the day or the next day in order to have the region thoroughly scanned,”
Minister Filipche said, adding the coordination of health workers in Debar is good.

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