Spasovski: Those who do not abide by the recommendations risk their lives and their families' lives


Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski once again urged citizens, especially young people,
to abide by the recommendations and stay home to protect against coronavirus, as it
would otherwise risk their lives and their families' lives.

Spasovski in tonight's online interview urged those who still behave legally, and who
do not respect their family and at risk, to join the measures.
"We all need to respect the epidemiologists' measures because that is the only way
we can protect ourselves, stay healthy, cope with the situation and prevent the
spread of the virus. Public awareness is low and therefore the measures are
strengthened, cafes, restaurants, malls, butcheries are completely closed in order to
influence the citizens to change their behavior," Spasovski said and cited youth
gathering in Vodno as an example.
He says the police are responding preventively, but can't get anywhere, and so he
calls for a larger gathering of people to report and publicly point out that they risk
their lives and the lives of others. Such behavior, he stressed, also diminishes the
effectiveness of the measures.
"It is good if the institutions take action, and we are irresponsible and lead to a wider
spread of the virus," Spasovski said, and especially urged the youth to stay home
and direct their energy in creative ways for the benefit of the state and society.
He emphasized that all state institutions function with full capacity to implement the
recommendations and prevent the spread of the virus.

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