We know where the money is, Ruskoska says of the investigation against Zeqiri


The case of the investigation into embezzlement filed against the Secretary General of the Government Muhamed Zeqiri and two other Croatian citizens was won by the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime in the second half of 2021, stated Prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska.

“The investigation was conducted by the Ministry of Interior, and the Prosecution won the case in the second half of 2021. Since then, the competent prosecutor has issued several orders for gathering evidence and the last notification arrived yesterday, after which the competent prosecutor issued an order for conducting an investigation and a proposal for determining a detention measure for the suspects. Following that measure, the Court will determine how to proceed. We have information about where the money is. The suspects, Croatian citizens, according to our information, are not in the country, but we will get in touch with our Croatian colleagues, we will submit the evidence to them, so if they agree to take over the prosecution, their further processing will be in Croatia,” says Ruskoska, reports Sloboden Pechat.

The prosecutor stressed that “the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime is firmly of the opinion that anyone who has committed a crime, for which there is evidence, will be prosecuted, regardless of their position in the state system”.


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