Opposition accuses that there is no murky or corrupt deal where people from the SDSM top are not involved


Since coming to power in 2017, SDSM and DUI have not stopped stealing citizens’ money. In the past few years, we have witnessed how every possible SDSM official literally takes from the citizens’ money and is not held responsible for that, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski said on Sunday.

The opposition spokesperson referred to the latest case in which he assessed that it was a serious crime by the godfather and party associate of the former Prime Minister and leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev, whom he appointed as Secretary General of the Government Muhamed Zeqiri.

“Muhamed Zeqiri, as we saw through the media, without a four-eye tender made a corrupt agreement with two Croatian nationals worth about a million euros, making fictitious feasibility studies for rationalization and sale of an institution under the Macedonian Post Government. Or as they themselves know how to say, it was a ‘seminar paper’,” said the VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson.

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