Before the Budget Review, an IMF delegation comes to Macedonia to inspect


Macedonia is knocking on the door of the IMF – but how much money will be needed to cover the budget gap is still uncertain. Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski did not reveal how much debt is in question.

The Budget Review will wait for the visit to the IMF. This week, the International Monetary Fund team will analyze whether we meet the requirements for the precautionary and liquidity loan, which would have an interest rate of 1 percent. The inspections are expected to be completed by May 3, after which the contours for the rescheduling of the state treasury will be known.

While the authorities boast of the positive assessment of the International Monetary Fund for the macro-financial and economic stability of our economy – the opposition reacted today. They say that with the new borrowing, the government pushed Macedonia into economic collapse.

Unofficially, the Minister of Finance requested a loan of 900 million euros at the meetings in Washington D.C. Each new borrowing will increase the public debt, which now amounts to a total of 60.8 percent of GDP.

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