The 30-day state of emergency could be extended if the pandemic keeps spreading


“I assure you that the state of emergency will be dealt with in the best possible way,
properly utilizing state resources and observing regulations in preventing the
coronavirus. That is why we must be responsible and observe measures and
recommendations, for the well-being of the public and our children. The 30-day state
of emergency, which can be extended if necessary, does not mean that daily life is
over,” Interim PM Oliver Spasovski told a press conference.
According to him, people’s rights and liberties are not restricted by automatism,
whereas free transport, food and medicine supply for citizens do not stop.
“The measure to ban outdoor and indoor public gatherings is still in force. The public
will be informed on a daily basis about any new measure, accompanied by the
proper guidelines for its implementation,” said Spasovski.
He urged seniors to stay at home and turn to the municipality of the Red Cross for
“Daily lives go about the same as yesterday. There are no decisions for fresh
restrictions of movement or carrying our job tasks. The state of emergency does not
stop free transport, food and medicine supply for citizens, said Spasovski on

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