Opposition leader demands 50% of the costs of salaries and contributions covered by the state



VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with Sitel TV News that the state should immediately cover 50% of the costs for each employee, both salaries and contributions, as well as freezing payments to banks and lenders so that to save businesses but also to keep employees in Macedonia.

“We’re talking about both salaries and contributions, to make business owners feel that someone is right beside them and supports them, because as a business owner instead of shutting down their business and firing employees, I guess they have some stock, and they’re going to live decent. But then what about the staff, the pandemic will pass, and they will leave the country and it is very difficult for us to restart the business. Therefore, as  business owners, they must feel that the state is thinking along with them and is ready to bear 50% of the risk,” said Mickoski.

He added that it is very important to take all measures, to freeze payments to banks and lenders because it is good for banks as well, they would have no reservations.

“Not reprogramming but a freezing because you will reprogram a 100 euro installment and pay 50 euros when I have zero income. Robust action is needed immediately. Immediately repair the budgetary damage caused by the reduced VAT revenue because consumption is reduced, the citizens will not spend a long time and we must somehow compensate for this gap,” Mickoski pointed out.

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