VMRO-DPMNE: Filipce and SDSM with three different lies about ventilators


 The tender was annulled because it would be an obvious crime, according to a statement released by opposition party VMRO-DPMNE.

“Venko Filipce and the SDSM government profiting by knowing which way to get their hands on honey, VMRO-DPMNE was right in the tender for the supply of respiratory machines, and the public reaction stopped millions of crimes. VMRO-DPMNE was right about the health tender. In a state of emergency and a worldwide coronavirus epidemic, the criminal gang in power, instead of dealing with the protection of citizens’ health, is dealing with criminal tenders, millions of commissions and a classic case of profiteering. VMRO-DPMNE closely watches the work of the Government, VMRO-DPMNE will not allow a penny of the Republic of Macedonia’s budget to be spent in vain or end up in the pockets of government officials. In these moments every penny is important, the Macedonian economy is on the verge of collapse, thousands of people are left out on the streets on a daily basis without basic income. Urgent measures are needed to provide financial support to the economy and citizens, not bloody tenders to enrich the few in power. Such shocking behavior of the government does not even give the citizens confidence that they intend and are able to save themselves with this unprecedented crisis for Macedonia and the world,” the party said.

In just three days, Filipce shares three different lies about the ventilators, adds VMRO-DPMNE.

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