Kocarev: Don’t stay silent about the disappearance of Macedonia, about the killing of the Macedonian race and name!


A handful of politicians have been holding Macedonia hostage for thirty years for a handful of denars. The roads for the future of Macedonia are different, but they all have a common denominator: departmentalization of society. In order to prevent the destruction, annihilation, disappearance, degradation of Macedonia, so that Macedonia does not disappear in this tragic silence, you must not stay silent, says Ljupcho Kocarev, President of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU), in his opinion pieice entitled “Don’t stay silent!”, qhich will be published by the daily newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on Thursday.

“Don’t stay silent about the ignorance, short-sightedness, self-abolition, lack of vision, love of power, selfishness, injustice, statelessness, working against state interests.”

“Don’t stay silent about the disappearance of Macedonia, about the partisan Macedonia, about the enslaved Macedonia, about the defaced Macedonia, about the betrayed Macedonia.”

” Don’t stay silent about the killing of the Macedonian race, the Macedonian name, about everything that is Macedonian,” added Kocarev.

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