Vine farmers to support VMRO-DPMNE’s protest on June 18


The vine farmers from Kavadarci and Negotino have voiced their support for the protest organized by VMRO-DPMNE, which will be held on Saturday in front of the Government building at 8 pm.
The farmers say that the reasons for supporting this protest are the dissatisfaction with the current government and its ignorance to deal with agriculture, non-formation of prices for grapes for 2022, non-payment of subsidies in full, irrigation problems that have existed for 4 years, non-payment of green oil, etc.
“Frost damage has not been paid for the 2021 harvest, drought damage for the 2021 harvest and the fault was in the water company that did not provide water, as well as the fact that not two more wineries have been paid for the grapes purchased from last year’s harvest because they had to pay it by April 30, and to this day there is nothing of it. Exactly these problems are the reason for dissatisfaction from the vine and fruit farmers and that is why we voice our support to the protest that will be in front of the government in Skopje. Because it is the obligation of both the opposition and the position to take care of the farmers,” said the vine farmers at a press conference on Thursday.

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