VMRO-DPMNE demands that Government says of what kind of hybrid attack it is accusing and whether it defocuses the responsibility for selling state interests


 Macedonia experienced a total debacle and permanent disruption of the negotiating positions with Bulgaria due to the unpopular and incompetent government led by SDSM and DUI, reads the press release of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

“The government of SDSM and DUI to say what kind of hybrid attack they are accusing and why it was not prevented. Is Kovachevski’s government defocusing from responsibility for selling state interests? What exactly do Osmani and Marichikj mean by a hybrid attack in the country? If there really was an attack on the state, if as Osmani says there was a hybrid attack, there must be responsibility, because it was not prevented in time and the state was attacked. While the experts and the citizens are to blame for Dimitar Kovachevski for the total failure in the negotiations and the failure in the sale of the state interests, Bujar Osmani and Bojan Marichikj are to blame for the hybrid attack on the state. The biggest hybrid attack that is happening to the country is exactly the government of SDSM and DUI, led by Kovachevski,” VMRO-DPMNE said.

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