With the signing of the Protocol by the anti-state SDS, the assimilation of Macedonia started according to Bulgaria’s wishes


As of yesterday, the assimilation of Macedonia started according to Bulgaria’s wishes, the lies that Kovachevski, Osmani and Marichikj have been spreading for weeks surfaced yesterday. Lies have short legs, says the opposition VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Monday.

“With the signing of the Protocol between Macedonia and Bulgaria, bilateral issues between the two countries officially became a condition in Macedonia’s accession negotiations with the EU. Change of textbooks, change of history, non-recognition of the Macedonian language and identity, as well as erasure of culture are the betrayals signed yesterday by Bujar Osmani on behalf of the traitor Dimitar Kovachevski. Official confirmation of these issues also came from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where it clearly and loudly said that for Bulgaria, the Macedonian language is unrecognized. Osmani said yesterday that Bulgaria can block every step in the accession negotiations with the EU if the history textbooks are not changed or some historical person is not written as the Bulgarian side requests,” reads the opposition party’s press release.

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