Instead of canceling, Acevski accepted a 1000% unrealistic higher price, says opposition


Kostadin Acevski, a staff member and ex-envoy of the SDSM, for “Macedonia Road” concludes a contract for the transport of bitumen, and only for transport without the price of bitumen, he pays an incredible over 4.5 million euros. 374 tanks, over 12 thousand euros per tank. Here is the contract once again, for one ton of bitumen, a variable part of the methodology, what can be changed according to the stock exchange price, Acevski pays 600 euros, and just for the transport of a ton of bitumen an incredible 500 euros per ton, accused the spokesperson of opposition VMRO-DPMNE Naum Stoilkovski on Wednesday.

“The question is logical: How is it possible, in times of economic crisis, to earn 4.5 million euros, that there is only one bidder in this tender announced by Kostadin Acevski on behalf of “Macedonia Road”? How is it possible that there are no interested parties for such money, especially considering that for the same purchase of bitumen there were more interested parties at a price of 50 euros per ton?” spokesperson Stoilkovski said at a press briefing.

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