Macedonian community in Albania: There are no Bulgarians here nor will there ever be!


The Macedonian community in Albania has nothing to do with Bulgaria in terms of language, traditions and customs, say Macedonians from Prespa, Golo Brdo, Gora.

Macedonians are living in Albania there are no Bulgarians here nor will there ever be. Bulgaria only artificially wants to create its non-existent minority. According to all the censuses conducted in Albania from the creation of the Albanian state to the last census, there is not a single person, not a single one declared as Bulgarian in the registers of the Albanian state, we speak, sing, mourn in Macedonian and no one can dispute that fact. We have survived for centuries under many pressures, threats, our Macedonian gene will not be destroyed by anyone”. This would be the brief description of what can be heard from the Macedonians whether they live in the areas of Prespa, Golo Brdo, Gora, where the concentration is the highest, but also in Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Korca, where there are several tens of thousands of them each.

According to all the censuses conducted in Albania from the creation of the Albanian state to the last census, there is not a single person, not a single one declared as Bulgarian in the registers of the Albanian state. In the Prespa district in 2011 when the census was conducted and in the village of Vrbnik in the Devola district, 100 percent of all declared themselves Macedonians, said the leader of the only Macedonian party, Macedonian Alliance for European Integration (MAEI) Vasil Sterjovski.

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