UCCM’s Angeloski: Serious state support is needed to deal with the energy tsunami


The energy crisis is seriously affecting the economy, and the price pressure caused by the record values ​​of electricity on the stock exchanges represents a threat to the survival of the majority of business entities, said the head of the Union of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia (UCCM) Trajan Angeloski at Friday’s press conference, stressing that immediately specific measures are needed to support enterprises, as well as a plan to increase energy independence and efficiency.

“Globally, the open energy market is out of control. There is no product or service that can bear an electricity price of 600 or 700 euros per megawatt hour, that is, there is no company that can cover this cost without very serious consequences. Also, domestic products with these electricity prices are completely uncompetitive on external markets, because in neighboring countries electricity is sold at prices ranging between 50 and 85 euros per megawatt hour. A free energy market should not mean a market without any control,” said Angeloski.

The Union, in cooperation with experts, prepared a set of measures that are necessary to be able to preserve the liquidity of enterprises and their business activities.

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