Rice farmers block Kochani – Shtip road, demanding minimum purchase price of MKD 40 for barley


Rice farmers from the Kochani and Shtip regions on Sunday blocked the Kochani-Shtip main road, protesting against the low purchase prices of barley and high production costs.

At checkpoints near the villages of Obleshevo, Chiflik, Ceshinovo and Krupishte, the farmers came out with tractors and agricultural machinery, announced that the blockade will last in the coming days, until they have a meeting with the competent government representatives to present their problems.

The production price of a kilogram of barley is between 35 and 38 denars, and at the moment it is bought from 20 to 23 denars. This means that we do not have the means even for basic reproduction, to start production, and there is no question of covering living expenses. That’s why we invite the prime minister and the minister to come to hear the voice of the farmers, said Zdravko Arsov, a farmer from Obleshevo.

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