The stability of Macedonia’s economy is disturbed, inflation is over 16-17 percent


The stability of the economy in the country is already and now disturbed, you yourself feel the blows as a small company, and what can we say about enterprises and companies that produce and need a significant amount of electricity use, such as “FENI”, ” “Euronikel – Kavadarci” and some other companies, there are also the mines that are already being closed, said Trajko Slaveski, President of the Council of the City of Skopje in an interview with Radio Leader.

Slaveski added that inflation is when there is a general increase in prices, so all prices go up.

“I want to criticize the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, which a few days ago had a Council of the National Bank, among other things, made a decision to increase the interest rate by half a percentage point, from 2.5% to 3%. The media also reported that inflation since the beginning of the year is 12%, and we know that inflation is over 16% in the Republic of Macedonia. So they take an average from January to August, and inflation is measured in relation to the same period, that is, in relation to August last year. And the inflation in Macedonia is already over 16-17%”, Slaveski noted.

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