Arsovskarigs a tender worthEUR 136 million and favors a Turkish bidder!?


Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska is involved in a suspicious deal worth 136 million euros, which is the value of the project for the construction of the sewage treatment plant, claim sources to According to their claims, although Arsovska should not know who participated in the tender, she points out two companies that were involved in the procedure, and she also has a favorite – a bidder from Turkey.

According to’s sources, Arsovska has been putting pressure on the management of PE “Water Supply and Sewage” for the last few weeks to dissolve the Commission for the evaluation of the tender procedure for the treatment plant, in order to include people who are close to her office and a businessman from Skopje with an office on the outskirts of Skopje, which is also considered close to Arsovska.

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