2,207 Macedonian nationals return to the country


So far, a total of 2,207 Macedonian nationals have returned back to the country,
according to data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which arranges bringing back
of our citizens stranded abroad.
From March 22 to April 4, 5,228 Macedonian nationals from all over the world
contacted Ministry of Foreign Affair’s Global Emergency Center, who want to return
to the country by plane, Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes on Facebook. Of these,
2,890 nationals have agreed to be placed in state-ordered quarantine. Most calls –
93 percent or 4,861 – come from Europe, and 272 calls are registered from
continents outside Europe.
Thus far, 1,445 nationals have returned to the country by chartered flights from La
Valletta, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vienna, Basel, Munich, as well as two flights from Berlin
and Cologne/Bonn.
150 nationals have returned back by three humanitarian convoys of buses and cars
from Montenegro, Turkey and Slovenia. With the assistance of Austria and Portugal,
11 Macedonian nationals have returned to the country from Peru.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with foreign representations in our
country, has repatriated over 600 foreign citizens from Austria, Australia, the United
States, France, Croatia, Montenegro and Kosovo.

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