Skopje’s Clinical Center in Skopje without electricity due to unpaid debt of EUR 7 million


A debt of seven million euros could leave the Clinical Center without electricity. The energy crisis will also hit the backs of patients. For three years, the Skopje Clinics failed to pay the bills for consumed electricity, nor did they provide a guarantee that would save them from disconnection.

EVN confirmed that the Clinical Center is one of the biggest debtors and that they requested a bank guarantee, but did not receive it.

“EVN requested a bank guarantee from the Clinical Center, but we have not received it. If the Clinical Center doesn’t deliver it in a month, it could be disconnected, according to the Supply Regulation,” EVN told Telma TV.

Despite the fact that we are talking about health facilities of crucial importance, the rules of REC are clear: if the invoices are not paid and there is no guarantee, the hospitals can also be left without electricity.

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