The Army executes assigned tasks responsibly and professionally


Since the beginning of the state of emergency, the members of the Army have been
most responsibly and professionally performing the assigned tasks to support
institutions and citizens, said today Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurcinovski who
thanked them and supported their engagement and investment in the performance of
During the weekend and the previous days, he toured the members of the units
engaged on the southern border, providing security facilities for quarantine
accommodation in Popova Shapka and in the capital, as well as facilities of special
"Our commitment to the Army as a member of the Armed Forces in such a difficult
time, by giving our best and by personal example and commitment, to enable health
workers and the police to prevent the spread of pandemic viral infestation and bring
it under control," we would deal with anyone who poses a threat to the homeland and
the citizens," Gjurcinovski said.

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