75,000 Macedonian citizens take nationalities across Europe in past ten years


Eurostat data shows that 74,946 Macedonian citizens acquired citizenship in
European countries over the past decade, primarily in Italy, Switzerland and
In 2018, 7,627 Macedonians acquired citizenships in European countries, majority of
whom in Italy (3,487), Switzerland (1,606) and Germany (945), whereas 8,077
Macedonians took EU citizenships in 2017.
Over the past decade, Italy has been the favored destination, with 29,428
Macedonians taking that citizenship, followed by Switzerland (16,935) and Germany
According to Eurostat data, 3,637 Macedonians acquired the Bulgarian citizenship in
2008, but the number has dropped between 200-400 since.
In regional terms, Albania lost most citizens in 2018 – 47,441 – mostly acquiring
citizenships Greece and Italy.

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