Zhernovski is paid a salary of EUR 1,000 per month for the construction of the Clinical Centerthat is not being built


The “Parasites” scandal has been eating away at the system for years. Officials appointed by the Government, well-known names took thousands of euros, while the people are drowning in misery, member of the VMRO-DPMNE Central Committee IvicaTomovskitold a press conference on Wednesday, as he continued to reveal details about the “Parasites” scandal announced by the largest opposition party.

“The officials involved in the “Parasites” affair cannot justify the money they take with real work, the contribution they have to make for that money is not seen. We will open this press conference with one such example, and that example is Andrej Zhernovski, who has been part of the Clinical Center project unit for more than a year and a half, and for that, he receives a monthly pay of 1,000 euros. Zhernovski, until now has pocketed over 18,000 euros from the Ministry of Health. And the purpose for which he takes those funds is not justified. There is no clinical center, nor is the one in Shtip being built, and the one in Skopje is not even in the phase of starting to be built. Why Zhernovski is kept in his position and why is he paid 1,000 euros per month, even though there is no need for it, the Government should explain. The money from the Ministry of Health is being spent completely unjustifiably, and at the same time we see how everyday people collect funds for treatment through donations,” said Tomovski.

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