EDS: Electricity is 4 euros more expensive in November than October


According to the data on the movement of prices on the HUPX stock exchange in Hungary during yesterday, the average hourly price of one megawatt hour of electricity (baseload) is 239.81 euros/mwh.

The price of electricity during daytime hours (8 am -8 pm (peakload) reached a level of 276.94 euros per megawatt hour. The price peak is at 7:00 p.m. when it was 287.29 euros per megawatt hour, while the minimum price is at 5:00 a.m. – 143.49 euros per megawatt hour, according to Energy Delivery Solutions (EDS).

The average price of electricity during the month of November until now (baseload till date) is 198.05 euros per megawatt hour, which is almost 4 euros higher than the price at which electricity was traded during the previous month.

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