Controversial decrees are being enacted in the midst of the crisis, instead of tackling coronavirus


Some things just cross the Rubicon limit and I can't understand them. A new
parliamentary majority will come and reopen all these decrees and we will talk then,
Hristijan Mickoski answered a journalist's question to comment on the government's
decision published two days ago in the Official Gazette to order that the imposed
name “North Macedonia” is added on the currency.
There are many dubious decisions made by the Government, not just this one. I
can’t comprehend that, at a time of a pandemic, when we are fighting for the lives of
our citizens, that we are dealing with ancillary issues that nobody is even asking us
to do. Even if we read that treaty as it was signed, we are only expected to change
the currency within five years since the opening of the relevant EU accession
chapter, in this case the chapter on economy and monetary policy. Instead of
working to save lives, to protect those in the front lines, the Government is crossing
over every line imaginable. But, a new parliamentary majority will be in place, and it
will all be re-examined, Mickoski said during a joint press conference with Hungarian
Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó.

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