President Pendarovski sends greetings to Christian believers that celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar


Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski, on the occasion of the great Christian holiday of the Nativity – Christmas, sent a greeting to Dr. Kiro Stojanov, Bishop of Skopje and Eparchy of Strumica-Skopje and to all believers who celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar.

“I send sincere congratulations to all believers who celebrate the great Christian holiday, the Nativity of Christ – Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar, and wish you to spend the festive days in good health, filled with love, joy and happiness. The birth of Christ as a holiday of light, giving and love, at the end of each calendar year, gives meaning and significance to our short-lived earthly lives, nurturing us with hope and faith”, said President Pendarovski.

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