Arrested Kosovo Albanian who shot Serbian boys does not feel guilty


Albanian media in the former Serbian southern province of Kosovo and Metohija published a photo of the arrested Albanian, 33-year-old A.K. suspected of having shot at two Serbs near Shtrpac around 3:00 p.m.
The man was arrested 20 kilometers from the place where he opened fire, wounding an 11-year-old Serbian boy and his 21-year-old brother, specifically in the village of Prevalac, on the road between Prizren and Štrpce. According to unofficial information, A.K. he is allegedly a member of the so-called Kosovo security forces. The suspect was taken to Uroshevac for questioning.
As stated in the announcement, “after intensive investigative work, the Uroshevac regional police collected information on the ground, identified and then arrested the suspect A.K. aged 33.
The suspect in the attack on two Serbian boys, told Albanian media that he feels innocent in relation to the case with which he is connected.
Indexonline contacted him a few minutes before he handed himself over to the police. He was waiting for the police patrol in Prevalac, when it arrived he only said: “They just came”. The two boys were injured on their way to get Christmas Eve branches.

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