48 new COVID-19 cases, total number 711


48 new coronavirus cases have been registered in North Macedonia over the past 24 hours, bringing the total tally to 711, the Health Ministry said Friday.

Of these, 11 are in Skopje, 25 in Kumanovo, one in Stip, four in Prilep, one in Tetovo, three in Struga, one in Ohrid and two in Gostivar.

“Three patients who have recovered from the virus were released Friday from the Skopje-based Clinic for Infectious Diseases. A patient from Skopje, who was treated for COVID-19 at home, has also recovered,” the Health Ministry said. A 63-year-old patient from Labunishta and a detainee from Skopje’s Shutka prison, who tested positive for COVID-19 postmortem, have been recorded in Friday’s coronavirus statistics. The Ministry reported their deaths on April 5, and April 9.

Thus far, COVID-19 cases have been registered in Skopje (284), Kumanovo (168), Debar (49), Shtip (21), Prilep (50), Tetovo (31), Struga (33), Veles (18), Bitola (8), Ohrid (4), Kavadarci (3), Gostivar (6), Gevgelija (4), Strumica (2), Kriva Palanka (3), Radovish (4), Krushevo (3), (Kochani (19), Probishtip (1).

In the past 24 hours, 496 people were tested for the coronavirus. Of these, 353 people were tested through the Institute for Public Health, 9 people through the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 14 through the Avicena lab, 24 through the Biotek lab, 96 through the Zhan Mitrev Clinic. A total of 7,067 COVID-19 tests have been carried out so far, the Ministry of Health said in a press release.

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