Enormous pollution throughout Macedonia, concentration of carbon monoxide in Miladinovci


The weak wind and rain minimally cleared the air in the cities of Macedonia and now it is polluted in all cities, but not extremely. The average daily values ​​of fine PM10 particles for yesterday are around 100 micrograms per cubic meter of air in all cities. In Lisiche, where the average daily value the day before yesterday was 185 mcg/m3, yesterday it was 124, so that this station and none of the others did not meet the alarm threshold, which is set for two days in a row of an average daily value of PM10 above 150 micrograms of cubic air and announcement from HMRC for stable weather without wind.

In the eastern zone, Strumica is still the most polluted city, and for yesterday, the average daily value of dust there was 146 micrograms per cubic meter. In the western zone, the most polluted is in Gostivar, with an average value of 133 recorded on Monday.

At the stations of the State automatic monitoring of air quality, it is noticed these days that the concentration of carbon monoxide in Miladinovci has increased. The hourly values ​​go up to 10 milligrams, so yesterday, January 9, is recorded as the day when the limit value of this pollutant was exceeded in Miladinovci, and the situation has not improved even today. The limit value of carbon monoxide is determined as an eight-hour value and must not exceed 10, and in Miladinovci yesterday it was 10.3. Also, according to the Air Quality Law, there must not be such an excess of carbon monoxide pollution in any day of the year. For comparison, the law allows up to 35 days per year to exceed PM10 pollution.

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