SDS should break the silence and say whether Kovachevski and Zechevikj gave the green light for the prison break, says opposition


SDS should break the silence and say whether Kovachevski and Zechevikj gave the green light for the prison break. The commander of the shift in Idrizovo, Dimitrijevski, in whose shift the convicted murderer escaped, does not hide his support for SDS on social media, VMRO-DPMNE said on Monday.

“The commander in whose shift the condemned prisoner escaped is close to Mile Zechevikj. In one of his posts on the Facebook social network, he is pictured with Zechevikj, and the message that is public and published with the picture is: “with the boss to the end”. Is the permitted escape, which has already been confirmed by the media, at the behest of the SDS, the party asked in a press release.

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