Vuchevic: Macedonia and Albania have zero points, yet they did everything for the EU – this is a great injustice and discouraging for all of us


Macedonia and Albania have zero points, yet they did everything for the EU – it is a great injustice and discouraging for all of us, said the Minister of Defense of Serbia Milosh Vuchevic in an exclusive interview for

“I am proud of our relations. I would like these relations to be better and better. I am concerned about the demographics. Macedonia and Serbia have lost a significant part of their population and that is a big problem and people need to understand what is happening,” the Serbian minister said.

When asked how he feels in Macedonia and how it looks from today’s perspective, he replied:

“I always feel good when I am in Macedonia among my friends. I can’t say that I’m at home, but it’s almost as if I’m at home, two friendly and brotherly nations, the Macedonian and the Serbian, and two good countries with excellent mutual relations – I feel good. I see that N. Macedonia is developing and I am glad for that, and I always see something new. I am glad that Serbian-Macedonian relations are at a high level, I would like them to be even better, we have solved, corrected, improved some big things, and that is a plus for both sides.”


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