Ministry of Education and Science gives instructions in the event of bomb threats: Classes should continue online


Bomb threats in schools that have been sent to electronic addresses since October  of last year instill panic among students, disrupt mental health and negatively affect socialization, according to the participants of a forum within the scientific research project of the “St. Cyril and Methodius” University. – Skopje.

The forum was held at the “Georgi Dimitrov” high school in Skopje, which Thursday morning received an email threatening an explosive device, after which the students evacuated the building. The Ministry of Education and Science sent a letter to the school directors for urgent measures for the smooth implementation of the educational process in a safe working environment. The Ministry of Education and Science has indicated to primary and secondary schools that they should strengthen the entrance/exit control of schools on days when there is a bomb threatening report and to organize online classes instead of a complete interruption (dissolution) of classes.

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