Slaveski: The Government reshuffle costs the country EUR 18 million in damage due to the lack of coordination for the Eurobond issuance


The Government will try to present the situation in the country through pink-tinted glasses, but inflation in the country is not rosy at all. According to our initial calculations, the failure with the Eurobond cost us at least 18 million euros and caused direct damage to the state, said VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee member Trajko Slaveski in in an interview with TV 24.
Slaveski added that too high a price was paid due to the lack of coordination of government departments for the Eurobond. The reconstruction of this Government initially cost us 18 million euros.
“When the Eurobond was issued for only 175 million euros, which stabilized the market in conditions of frozen financial markets after 2008, the interest rate of the NBRM was 9%, and now it is 5.25%, that is the basic benchmark with which we should compare. Furthermore, the price of our previous limited Eurobonds on the limited markets was over 10%,” said Slaveski.

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