Schinas: North Macedonia delivered on all things, now it’s time for next step-opening negotiating chapters after the constitutional amendments


The process of Europeanization of the Balkans is irrevocable, all countries in the region, including here North Macedonia are now firmly on the pre-accession path, European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas told MIA on the sidelines of the ABNA-SE conference ‘The role of news information in the new Balkan reality’ held in Thessaloniki.

In his address to the conference, Schinas said that now is the moment for the region to be Europeanized, instead of the EU to Balkanized, as happened many times in the past.

“Most of the countries are now firmly on the pre-accession path. North Macedonia is an example where I think the European Union was not always very fair, because we ask you many different things and you delivered on all of those, so now we have to switch into the next chapter, open negotiating chapters and closing the negotiating chapters once you have cleared the constitutional requirements that you have accepted. Overall, a positive moment for North Macedonia,” Shinas said.

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