Leaders of the two largest parties negative to second COVID-19 test


Leader of ruling SDSM Zoran Zaev, as well as his biggest opponent, opposition leader of the largest party in the country VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, announced late Wednesday night that their second tests for coronavirus performed according to health protocols came back negative.

“In compliance with health protocols, I had a second coronavirus test today, which came back negative. I would like to thank you for the support and at the same time send wishes for a speedy recovery of Kumanovo Mayor Maksim Dimitrievski and all citizens infected with the virus. I hope the tests of the PM and the ministers come back negative,” Zaev wrote in a Facebook post.

According to the leader of Social Democrats, the virus has shown it is unpredictable, posing a serious threat to our health.

“That is why we are acting fast, but it is of utmost importance that we all observe the measures and recommendations. Let’s stay at home, employ sound hygiene practices, keep the two-meter distance, protect ourselves and by that protect others. All those observing the measures save lives. We will win the battle against this invisible enemy only through joint efforts,” says Zaev.

Mickoski, on the other hand, via video message to the media from his apartment in Skopje that on the 14th day of the last contact with a person infected with the Covid-19 virus he was tested yet again, and that according to the results he was not infected with the coronavirus.

“I wish all of you and your families good health, and a speedy recovery to all those infected with the Covid-19 virus. I take this opportunity to thank the medical staff, members of the Ministry of Interior, the ARM and all those who care about the Macedonian citizens and Macedonia for everything you do for us,” said the leader of the conservative party VMRO-DPMNE.

In his video address, Mickoski said that this year, due to the state of emergency, Easter would be celebrated as usual, in his home with his loved ones, primarily to protect others, and called on believers to adhere to the recommendations of the health authorities.

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