DUI’s “Fire Group” releases list of dismissed officials


On the eve of today’s session of the Central Presidency of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), which is expected to discuss the “Front for Europe”, the so-called “Fire group” from the party released a list of dismissed officials, accusing that “the First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi dismisses people who think differently within DUI.”

“Artan Grubi’s train and the direct threat of political elimination of all who think differently in DUI, was carried out in the most brutal way possible. These dismissals, initiated by the anger of Artan Grubi, were warned by his megaphones, slanderous portals, corrupted with the money of citizens who never voted for Grubi. They have been dismissed so far only because they thought differently, without any reason or possible failure in their duties, reads the “Fire Group” press release.

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