Government increases frozen prices: Tomatoes and cucumbers MKD 95, peppers MKD 100 – the culprits of false invoices to be sought


The highest price of tomatoes will be MKD 95, the same applies to cucumbers, and the price of onions will increase by MKD 0. The reason for this step is the increase in import prices of these products by more than 30 percent in the last week. We notice a reduction in the prices of fruit, especially southern fruit. Citizens should remain calm, because this measure will be valid until the end of the month, because import prices are controlled on a daily basis, and this means that it is possible to correct them again if we notice a decrease in import prices, said Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi.
The minister stressed that the price of the pepper will be MKD 100, while the lentils will be sold at MKD 110, and the rest of the vegetables and fruits will be sold at a price lower than MKD 100.

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