Misajlovski: Election day is coming, the day when the SDS/DUI policies will be put to an end


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President and Member of Parliament Vlado Misajlovski during Saturday’s field visit from the action “This is Macedonia for All” visited the settlements of Radishani and Butel where he talked with the citizens about the current political situation, about local issues, about the quality of life, as well as the youth.

Misajlovski points out that the day is coming soon that is important for the entire Macedonian people, namely the day when there will be elections and the policies of SDS and DUI will be put to an end.

“At every statement we must remind the Macedonian people that this is a very important issue because the day that is most important for everyone in the Republic of Macedonia is coming soon, and that is the day when there will be elections. The most important thing is for the entire Macedonian people to come out and vote on that day, to give VMRO-DPMNE the opportunity to have as much difference as possible. That’s why I ask all citizens, even some who are dissatisfied, to go out and support VMRO-DPMNE, if they stay at home and don’t vote, then only DUI and SDS will win,” said the opposition official.



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