Mexhiti: We know that we have an overproduction of staff at the Mother Teresa University Clinic


If we aspire to move towards the European Union, it is high time now to immediately stop party employment, I am not only talking about healthcare, but education, as well. If one is a good manager, one should stay for 30 years as a manager, if one is a good nurse, one should stay for 30 years as a head nurse, said the Macedonian Minister of Health Fatmir Mexhiti in an interview with TV Telma regarding the issue related to party recruitment and that the medical staff are not getting real advantages according to their merit but they are getting advantages in terms of politics.

Regarding the large outflow of health staff Minister Mexhiti says that he is considering the possibility that students from the three medical faculties in our country, when they reach the last academic year of the faculty, will know where their workplace will be in the future.

“That is why there will be reorganization and systematization. We know that at the Mother Teresa University Clinic we have an overproduction of staff. We don’t need that many staff, and they are employed with migration, from the village to the city, that is, in Skopje. This has to stop. Party employment must stop immediately, everywhere, not only in healthcare,” Mexhiti stressed.

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