Veljanoski tells Xhaferi: Who destroyed the archives of the Parliament?


The former Parliament Speaker TrajkoVeljanoski sent a letter to the current Speaker, TalatXhaferi, as well as to all MP groups and non-governmental organizations, accusing that someone wants to return the Parliament 20 years ago. He asks where is the entire database, daily agendas of sessions since 1991, transcripts of all those sessions, video recordings of sessions from 2002 onwards, votes by point, data on all MPs and their biographies since the first Parliament composition since 1991.

“Where is all the effort, time and energy invested by the parliamentary service in order for the parliamentary website and e-parliament system to be one of the best in the world, to be an example and to benefit the citizens, deputies and the service? Who messes with two built, implemented and functional systems? And why? “, Veljanoski asked.

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