Angelo, Klementina and Andrej demand retrial and lesser sentences for Denis Tot’s murder, Appellate Court to decide


Angelo Gjorgjievski, KlementinaLevkovska and Andrej Kostovski, convicted for the murder of Denis Tot, demand that they be tried again and that the verdict be annulled. The presented their arguments before the Appellate Court, because of which they believe that they did not commit the crime of murder, but also because of which they believe that their punishments are too high. They point out that the Prosecutor’s Office was wrong, and they explained this with the thesis that Tot could not have been murdered with a few punches because he was in good physical shape and was hit many times during handball matches.

“We believe that there is a substantial violation of the procedure, that the factual situation is not fully established, that the Criminal Code is violated, that the sentence is too high,” said attorney BojanVasilevski, Klementina’s defense attorney, after the public session.

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