Government’s attempt to hide a document that conditions the date for start of negotiations is scandalous


In order to save Zaev’s crime and Dimitrov’s career, they are ready to completely erase the Macedonian language and people, Aleksandar Nikoloski, Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE said in an interview with on the occasion of Bulgaria’s latest conditioning of the date for negotiations with Macedonia.

“I am loudly asking the question whether Zaev and Dimitrov are implementers of the project for erasing the Macedonian language and creating a new so-called “North Macedonian nation”? After this, it is clear that Macedonia has not received a date for the start of negotiations, nor will it start anytime soon,” said Nikoloski.

Macedonia will have to forget about the “Macedonian minority in Bulgaria” and the “Macedonian language” and use only the “official language of RNM”, it will have to work quickly with the commission on historical issues… if it wants to continue negotiations with the EU, reads the document obtained by This statement of the Republic of Bulgaria, published by on April 17, became part of the summary of the EU enlargement conclusion and the date for negotiations with Macedonia and Albania. With this, Bulgaria conditions the holding of an intergovernmental conference on the final definition of the negotiating package for the start of negotiations with Macedonia and Albania.

There is nothing new in Bulgaria’s position on the Macedonian people, language and minority, but this statement by Bulgaria has become part of the protocol on the negotiating package.

We are shocked that the government, especially Zoran Zaev and Nikola Dimitrov, decided to hide this document from us, as the largest political party in Macedonia and of course from the public. The attempt to hide this is scandalous. In a serious country, after such a document, a wide-ranging political and social debate is opened to respond to it, a strategy is made and action is taken. In Macedonia this is hidden! We learned about this document from you as a medium and in that regard I would like to congratulate you on raising this extremely important topic. The answer is clear why Zaev and Dimitrov are hiding this. This document is a denial of the open stage of all lies. After this, it is clear that Macedonia has not received a date for the start of negotiations, nor will it start anytime soon. The thesis that Zaev and Dimitrov solve problems also proved false. On the contrary, they create new, bigger problems for Macedonia’s future. There must be political responsibility over this document, its content in which the Macedonian people is erased, the Macedonian minority in the neighboring countries, as well as the Macedonian language, and the concealment of its content. See how far Zaev’s attempt to save himself from responsibility for his crimes and Dimitrov’s career has brought us. Complete deletion of the Macedonian people and language. After the name change, this is the final attempt to destroy the Macedonian state as we know it, and generations have dreamed of it, said Nikoloski.


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