VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee shares its stance – Constitutional amendments under dictation and circumstances that are devastating for Macedonia must not happen


Proceeding from the national and state interests and keeping the opinion of the vast majority of citizens in the country, Constitutional amendments under dictation and under circumstances that are devastating for Macedonia must not take place. Carrying out constitutional amendments in a situation where the national and state identity of the Macedonian people is attacked, when the language, history and culture are contested is not a step forward, but opening the door for new defeatist conditions and self-denials, said the Executive Committee of opposition VMRO- DPMNE on Wednesday.
“Macedonia is already in isolation precisely because of the easy concessions so far and the harmful policies of the Government. The thesis that at this leadership meeting a decision is made for integration or isolation is a fraud. At this leaders’ meeting, decisions are made either for Constitutional amendments and national defeats or for the defense of national dignity and national and state interests,” said the opposition’s EC.

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