SDSM sets up working group for talks with VMRO-DPMNE on constitutional amendments


SDSM at its meeting of the central board late on Friday decided to form a working group for continuation of the talks with VMRO-DPMNE and all other parliamentary parties for the implementation of the next concrete steps regarding the constitutional amendments.

A working group will be headed by the SDSM Secretary General Mile Zechevikj Vardarski.

“The central board gives full support to the SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski and the working group to continue with the efforts to ensure a broad consensus on the constitutional amendments, and thus the continuation of the country’s European path,” said SDSM spokesperson Bogdanka Kuzeska.



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Next articleMickoski: If we really accepted the constitutional amendments, SDSM would celebrate and not hold meetings to inform the membership that they are losing power


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