VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General suspects crime worth MKD 12 million


Familial Strumica tender in Drisla reveals suspicion of crime. Practically, the city of
Skopje and Petre Silegov are at the service of the Strumica business lobby of the
Zaev family and in the middle of the crisis, it is concluding agreements worth 12
million denars, said VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev at a press
Petre Silegov and Kosta Nacevski – the director of Drisla – have been silent for three
days now, as well as how they chose the company Alpima TIM DOOEL Strumica of
Aleksandar Piperevaliev for the million-dollar tender for construction machines in PE
Drisla. For the third day, we see only silence and shady announcements, which once
again confirms that they are hiding the connection between themselves and want
this tender in this state of emergency to go unnoticed by the public,” Janusev said.
"This is called profiteering of the ruling criminal-racketeering gang in times of
Janusev explained that the owner of the company that won the tender is close to the
Zaev family and is close to Dragi Rakovski, while the director of PE Drisla is the first
cousin of Dragi Raskovski's wife.

"While businesses in Macedonia are failing due to the coronacrisis, Silegov, through
Drisla, is awarding a tender of 12 million denars to a company close to Zaev. This is
a classic way of pumping citizens' money through close companies of the
government, not to mention theirs," said the Secretary General of VMRO-DPMNE.
He once again called on the competent institutions to investigate the case.

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