Macedonia is moving in the wrong direction with the Government of SDSM and Kovachevski, say more than half of citizens


More than half of the citizens, that is, 56 percent of the surveyed citizens believe that N. Macedonia is moving in the wrong direction, according to the latest survey conducted by the International Republican Institute (IRI) from April 8 to May 4 this year.
When asked whether the country is moving in the right or in the wrong direction, even 4 times more, i.e. 56 percent of the respondents believe that the country led by the government of SDSM and Dimitar Kovachevski is moving in the wrong direction, while only 14 percent think that it’s right on track.
The survey shows which, according to the citizens, is the most important problem N. Macedonia is facing. When asked what in your opinion is the most important first and second problem facing the Republic of N. Macedonia today, as many as 15 percent of the surveyed citizens answered that the first most important problem facing the country is the economic situation.

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